why do i get nauseous before i sneeze

Why do I get Nauseous before I Sneeze? 

Sneezing is a normal physiological reaction that aids in clearing our nasal passageways of allergens. It frequently comes with an abrupt, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm and other muscles, which causes the air to be forcibly released via the nose and mouth. Nevertheless, this sneeze motion might make some people feel queasy. Let’s investigate: Why …

Does Golden Morn make someone fat?

Does Golden Morn make someone fat?

Many people have believed that there is a favourable correlation between weight increase and golden morning. It is doubtful, nevertheless, that this is the case.  In Nigeria, whole grains make “golden morn,” supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Although it is typically had for breakfast, it may be consumed at any time of day. We’ll find …