how long can a child legally be out of school when moving

How long can a Child Legally be Out of School when moving?

Family members may experience stress during a move, and your child is no different. Your desire to return things to normal as quickly as possible is understandable. But once the boxes are opened, the relocation continues.

Your youngster will have to adjust to an entirely new school with unfamiliar people after moving to your new neighborhood. How long can I keep my child out of school following relocation is one question parents frequently ask. While some believe it would be better to wait until the start of the next school year, others believe the change should be done immediately. Let’s uncover; How long can a child legally be out of school when moving?

How to Make a Great Move Easier for Your Kid

Your priority as a parent, wherever you go, is ensuring your child feels safe and at ease in their surroundings. Nevertheless, this might be challenging to do during a relocation. 

Try the following to help your youngster move more easily:

Be Truthful

Your youngster needs a solid foundation to lean on throughout this period. It’s critical that you support your child at this time of significant transition and that you be as open and honest as you can.

New things might be frightening. particularly new schools and new residences. Your child can better comprehend and communicate their thoughts if you are honest with them at this time and respond to any problematic inquiries they may have. 

Furthermore, announcing the relocation honestly as soon as feasible is preferable. Your youngster hearing you discuss the relocation and not knowing what to say is the last thing you want. Children are known for their vivid imaginations, after all, and you don’t want them to obsess over every horrible scenario that may happen.

When you inform your child that you are relocating, you should still proceed with caution. It’s crucial to schedule your discussion for the ideal moment since it will profoundly impact your youngster. 

Plan Your Talks Properly

Deciding when to notify your child about the transfer can be challenging. You want to give them enough time to get ready without much extra time to fret and stress. Therefore, scheduling a suitable conversation time might be one of the most crucial aspects of moving forward while remaining truthful.

If your children are younger, schedule your conversation closer to the move date. Children see time differently than adults so a few weeks may feel like a lifetime. So, schedule your conversation for two or three weeks in advance to assist in minimizing the amount of time they have to worry.

Be Empathetic

No matter their age, children of any age might find moving difficult. They’re moving to a new neighborhood, potentially leaving a home they grew up in and leaving their friends and favorite instructors behind. 

Also, anyone might be afraid of change. By being as sympathetic as you can, you may assist your child in comprehending and expressing these intense emotions. 

A significant change like this might make younger kids worry about other things, including losing their security. To convince your child that you will always be together, it is also crucial to show empathy for these emotions. Providing a foundation that your child knows is stable and emphasizing security will help them navigate this change more quickly. 

Introduce Your Child to the Area

Even if it’s not always feasible—particularly for long-distance moves—make every effort to expose your youngster to the neighborhood. Plan a day to take your kids to the new location if it’s just a short drive away so that they can meet their new neighbor. You may take them to places in the town, including the parks and their new school, that they will also find enjoyable. 

Don’t worry if you can’t drive to the new location; you may still assist your youngster in getting a sense of the environment. Fortunately, you can locate virtual maps and 3D images on the Internet with a few searches, making it seem like you and your child are in the same room, even if you’re hundreds or thousands of miles away.


Anybody, especially kids, might find moving frightening, but it doesn’t have to be. An 18-day school absence policy equates to 10% of the academic year, so you have plenty of time to transfer and adjust to your new residence. You should spend some time preparing your youngster for the relocation during this transitional phase.

Your preparation for your child will vary according to their age. Nevertheless, whether your child is five or fifteen, one thing never changes: throughout this transitional period, they need you to make them feel confident, at ease, and safe in their new home.

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